When will McDonald's stop haunting me? For serious.
The labour board got back to me today and Marion basically said she can't do anything about my lost raises because 'at least they were paying me minimum wage'. WTF. I know for a fact that every other manager except me got their raise after their performance review. And I waited. For 2 months. And they didn't care.
Now I have to do this:
- who terminated you / date / time / what was said / was there a witness (if so who? and will they give a statement?) / how did you calculate the what you state is owed?
If you were given a termination letter - I need a copy of that letter.
Do you have any witnesses that other managers allowed previous employee's behind the counter and were not reprimanded because of it - if so - I need a statement from them.
Ha! So I have to ask my friends to rat themselves out for me? Good luck with that. I mean I know if a bunch of managers came forward she couldn't very well fire them all but that's not going to happen. Um Nicole let her boyfriend (who was on coke) come to the back the other night. Oh, and did I mention he was a previous employee who got fired for stealing a customer's credit card!
Amy, the one who's boyfriend is responsible for all this, apparently feels "really bad about it all". Oh really? Come and fucking say that to my face. If you think you're mature enough to be ENGAGED while living with your fucking douche bag boyfriend and mother (and co-worker) then you should damn well be mature enough to talk to me about it. It's been a fucking month and I haven't spoken to you but I hear it from everybody how fucking sorry you feel. I bet you'd feel sorry if I reported that you gave out your manager's code to Kris while you could smoke in the bathroom. Health violation much? The store can be shut down in a second for that. Some friend you are.
Oh, and Sylvia, the one who yelled at me and reported it to the head manager, has let crew get HIGH during night shift. AND she's had parties with other managers and crew with special brownies. I love how you're an assistant manager.
But yes, I have almost come to terms that letting an ex-crew come sit in the back for five minutes is the biggest breech of policy I could have committed. ALMOST.
This song is the only thing making me feel better. I've been playing it on repeat all day.
MGMT - Kids