Things are going to get ugly.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
all i can do is try
I had a counseling appointment today. My Mom set it up for me. I think she thinks that I'm the one that needs to change and start talking to my dad. She always seems to find a way to twist things around and blame things on me.
I mostly talked about my dad and how unhappy I am that he's back. I feel like it's ruined all the progress we've made. This doesn't feel like home anymore. When she asked me what my plans are for the next few years I said probably staying at home. And as I said that I felt so sad. If I could move out now I probably would. I could easily get a bigger loan and start working more hours but then I would have to sacrifice my grades. This sucks.
I realized during the session how much I love John. Because the only time I got close to crying was when I was talking about him. Obviously I've always loved him, but he's just been there. It's hard to relate to him and talk to him but still. I love him so much and I'm worried about how all this is affecting him.
Fiona, the counselor, was pretty nice. She talked more than the university counselor did and was more engaged it seemed. She's had sessions with my mom and John before. She said it would probably be a good idea to talk to my Mom and find out what's going on in regards to him. And to tell her how important family is to me and I don't want to lose what the three of us developed over the past three months. She said that it's their decision about staying together or not but it's up to me whether to talk to him or not. I just don't know if it's worth the effort. I don't think he's going to change and it wouldn't surprise me if he picked up and left again. Although he lost his job recently. I don't think that's a coincidence at all.
I really wish we all knew how to talk to each other. Communication is the biggest problem we have. And I think everything stems from that. So much easier said than done.
Other than that, I'm doing fine. I told her my depression hasn't really gotten much worse. I was terrible last year and just let everything slip away and I don't want to go through that again. I'm trying not to let him affect everything. I've been going to all my classes (mostly because they take attendance as part of my grade but it's good) talking to friends and going to the gym regularly. I think it's helped a lot.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
what? honest to blog?
I took this test for my politics class. I thought it would be interesting to post. I hope I like this class since I feel like I don't know much about politics enough to follow it.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
new semester, fresh start
FINE 112
Modern Art, 1874-1945
A study of the culture of Europe and North America from 1874 (Impressionism) to 1945 (Nazi propaganda) with particular focus on the visual arts. Topics such as primitivism', Cubism, 'abstraction', artists' reactions to calamitous world events such as World War I, and various methodologies, including semiotic and Marxist analyses, will be explored through reading and writing assignments.
ISS 150
Lifespan Processes: The Normal Events
An examination of the significant psychosocial events during the lifespan with consideration of the impact of crises. Topics may include attachment, loss, stress, identity crisis, role change, mid-life transition.
ISS 131
Social Ideas, Social Policy and Political Practice
An introduction to some of the major social and political ideas of Western Civilization. Attention is given to the influence and applicability of these ideas to social policy and political practice in contemporary Canada.
This course will survey various categories of abnormal or deviant behaviour such as personality, mood, and psychophysiological disorders; schizophrenia, anxiety, somatoform and dissociative disorders. Clinical methods including assessment, diagnosis, interventions and treatment outcomes will also be considered.
SOC 224
Poverty in Canada and its Social Consequences
A sociological analysis of poverty in contemporary Canada as it underlies a multiplicity of interlocking social problems.
Personally, I've always suspected that everyone else is having a far merrier Christmas than I am.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
maybe the best proof that language is patriarchal is that it oversimplifies feeling