Saturday, January 12, 2008

new semester, fresh start

FINE 112
Modern Art, 1874-1945
A study of the culture of Europe and North America from 1874 (Impressionism) to 1945 (Nazi propaganda) with particular focus on the visual arts. Topics such as primitivism', Cubism, 'abstraction', artists' reactions to calamitous world events such as World War I, and various methodologies, including semiotic and Marxist analyses, will be explored through reading and writing assignments.

ISS 150
Lifespan Processes: The Normal Events
An examination of the significant psychosocial events during the lifespan with consideration of the impact of crises. Topics may include attachment, loss, stress, identity crisis, role change, mid-life transition.

ISS 131
Social Ideas, Social Policy and Political Practice
An introduction to some of the major social and political ideas of Western Civilization. Attention is given to the influence and applicability of these ideas to social policy and political practice in contemporary Canada.

This course will survey various categories of abnormal or deviant behaviour such as personality, mood, and psychophysiological disorders; schizophrenia, anxiety, somatoform and dissociative disorders. Clinical methods including assessment, diagnosis, interventions and treatment outcomes will also be considered.

SOC 224
Poverty in Canada and its Social Consequences
A sociological analysis of poverty in contemporary Canada as it underlies a multiplicity of interlocking social problems.