Monday, October 8, 2007

happy thanksgiving

We had Thanksgiving at my aunt Jacinta's new townhouse in Toronto. It was SO nice. I'm really happy for her. My grandma helped her buy the place plus a car and everything seems to be working out nicely for her. She's never really had nice things before because she pretty much lives pay check to pay check being a model/actor. I remember when I was a kid she had this tiny apartment with a kitchen, living room with a pull out couch and a bathroom. Anyway, here are the pictures. I look really dumpy because I had a cold and felt like shit. Yayy

I'm enjoying the Ikea-ish sliding doors.
This is how my Dad spends every holiday!
And I wonder why I'm anti-social.

I LOVE these townhouses. They were so clean, especially for Toronto. It even had 2 balconies.

This is Fred. Fred is fat. Perhaps even fatter than Joe.
Cute :)
Callum looks creepy aha
He's a model/actor too.
No, really.

ahh... But I love this sweater. It's such a comfy-I'm-sick-don't-care-what-I-look-like look.

Catus! Or cati?

My hair looks really bad these days. I need a haircut.
Apparently my mom takes emo pictures now.
Beautiful sunflowers from the market.

You practically needed a saw to cut through these stems.

My mom felt the need to explain to me how there was three generations in the picture.

She looks old :l

Don't mind the stains on the table cloth.