I wrote my last midterm today. I dropped off my petition to drop the french course that I failed. I cashed in my $500 check from school for being poor. I waited in line for two hours to get my OSAP. Overall, a fairly accomplished day.
Allie, my ValenTIME. Fuck. This guy Andrew, who I went to school with, on the radio said Valentime like twenty fucking times in a row. If you're going to go on and on about this stupid day at least say it right. While I was waiting in line, an old man came in with flowers and asked where the Registrar's Office was. He was so old and cute. Then I was like aw, maybe today isn't so bad. And THEN on the way home I was stopped at an intersection and I saw a guy get out of his truck and just started fucking screaming at the little white car in front of him. I was thinking oh fuck, another accident. But then they both drove off on the green light and it was just a girl my age biting her nails because she was freaking terrified. Fuck I really hate today. I think I might drink tonight for the hell of it but I don't even think I have enough malibu to feel anything. Lost is the only thing I have to look forward to. That and I have the next week off.
Things that ARE making me happy today:
- Paris Hilton's new movie rated the worst of all time
- The writer's strike is almost over!
- My mom is going to run her friend's new pet store