Evey moved to North Bay last Friday. I was so sad when she left. She's been my best friend for a few years and during this past year I've come to depend on her a lot. For a while I was the only single friend that she had so we hung out a lot. I'm glad we got to do a lot of things together this summer. It's going to be tough to get used to the fact that I can't hang out with her whenever I want to.
We were hired at McDonald's at the same time. We were even trained together but we were both terrified so we didn't talk much haha. The first memory I have of her is we were getting trained on fries by Shick, with one of us packaging the fries and the other working the vats. Our hands were all covered in grease by the end of the shift, oh man.

I'm really afraid for this year. School can be a lonely place. My closest friends are gone away to school. If I don't stay in touch with them, I'm not sure what I'll do. At least Karina and Jess are staying in town. I need to make a strong effort to talk to them, otherwise I will drive myself crazy with school/loneliness. I have a hard enough time keeping friends as it is, I need to keep the friendships that I do have. Maybe I should join a club or something?
"We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?"
The Strokes - Someday